Meet the Noble Adventures Team
We Love Our Team
Each person on the Noble Adventures team is a heart-centered creative, and beautiful soul who believes in the goodness of our world.
They have joined us because they know the world offers us a rich tapestry of experiences, if we just say yes to the opportunities!
And they said Yes to joining our team!
When we say our team has grown organically, we mean it! They started as friends and stayed as family! And while together, we get a ton of really great, world-changing work done! You’re gonna love them!
Christina Dyer
Founder & Chief Executive Officer“Don’t ask what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive…” ~ Howard Thurman
I love this quote because it is all about YOU…what you dream about doing and the urgency of uncovering your gifts so you can come ALIVE for our world! I came alive on my first trip to Africa.
Travel has taught me so much…the importance of trust, adaptability, problem-solving, navigating change, and above all, cultural respect and sensitivity. Noble Adventures was born out of the combination of my travels, education, training, and experiences while working with great leaders!
- I have over 2 decades of experience in psychology and business, helping leaders become the best leaders they can be for themselves and others.
- I am a lover of human relations; an igniter, a connector, a possibility thinker, and a relationship builder.
- My priorities are firmly entrenched where family is everything, friendships are treasured, and clients are personal and priceless!
Today I live in beautiful Northern California with my husband and three young adult sons. I come alive with exotic travel, great wine, and forgiving karaoke...especially all at once!
Founder & CEO of Noble Adventures LLC, Christina is also a Culture and Change Consultant with SweetRush, a corporate culture transformation, and L & D company. Christina holds a master's degree in Counseling Psychology from California State University, Fullerton. She is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC), and a Certified Executive Coach (CEC) with Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching and The Global Coach Group, certified by the International Coaching Federation.
Hernani Alves
Chief Strategy OfficerI was born in Angola, Africa, and my first language is Portuguese. I started my professional life as a part-time employee for a great company in California and eventually became President for a $3 billion publicly-traded company. I’m so grateful to have had such an amazing team that regularly voted our organization as the “Best Workplace”.
Today, I’m a best-selling author of two books and an international speaker that loves to help leaders build world-class teams focused on getting results. I’ve been fortunate to work with Stanford University, University of California, Oklahoma State University, iHeartRadio, SHRM, CEO World Magazine, Conscious Company, Extreme Leadership, and more.
In my first book, “Balanced Accountability: Create A Culture of Ownership”, I deliver clarity on the case for accountability and the steps organizations and individuals need to take to unleash their full potential.
In my second book, “The Champion Advantage: Get the Success You Want”, I magnify the differences of how two different people experience the exact same event and have totally different outcomes. One will fail, while the other will have the champion advantage and prosper.
I’m blessed to have traveled the world with my wife, Angie, and two children. I love cheese and playing golf in the beautiful outdoors. One thing you will not catch me doing is watching scary movies, for example, “The Wizard of Oz”. Yes, that movie was terrifying to me!
Mariana Solorzano Lopez
In-Country Director, MexicoI am a Mexican woman who is passionate about traveling, learning about other cultures, and doing altruistic activities. At 23 years of age, I have traveled to more than 15 countries, from the Balkan Peninsula with its ethnic diversity, to Colombia, a country of friendly people and delicious coffee! Traveling has allowed me to know, understand, and respect different ways of thinking; and most importantly to know myself, and grow emotionally and spiritually.
In 2014-15, I spent a year living in Poland through the Rotary Youth Exchange Program. This gave me the opportunity to experience a cultural exchange and develop as a leader who promotes peace and justice in the world.
I graduated from the Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia with a BS in Business Administration and served as the president of Rotary Club Interact Zacapu (2013-2014) which develops volunteer activities for the benefit of the community.
My life changed when I met Christina, and the Noble Adventures team. I was going through a difficult time after my father´s untimely death. He and my mother, through their lived example engrained in me a spirit of service and adventure. I had definitely lost this along the way until I met Christina and got involved with Noble Adventures. This awakened in me the excitement I felt for traveling and helping others. I am now a better person and a better leader because of this. There are no words to describe how it positively impacted me. I'm sure it will change your life too.
Today, I reside in Zacapu, Mexico, have an interior design business, and partner with Noble Adventures which develops leaders through service projects that impact our world. When not working, I like to go to the gym and experience outdoor activities; but most of all I like to eat tacos.
I hope to meet you soon and show you how great my country is with its cultural richness, gastronomic diversity, beautiful places, and mostly, the kindness of its people.
Andy Bayon
In-Country Director, Costa RicaI have explored 18 countries and lived in three outside of the United States - Australia, Mexico, and Costa Rica. Life is fantastic, and I have had some memorable adventures!
I first visited and lived with a Costa Rican family in high school after realizing that my textbook's Spanish vocabulary didn't translate to real life. While that trip was just a few weeks, it opened my eyes to the world. Ever since travel has been one of my greatest teachers.
I grew up in Southeastern Massachusetts (Go Red Sox!), and after eight years of working in insurance, I left the frigid winters behind in favor of the tropics. I began to write about and share experiences about the rich biodiversity of our planet and its transformative effects. Driven by the awe and wonder that friends, family, and clients felt when captivated by nature, I started my first business, Nature Effect Tours. Since then, I have been guiding nature hikes for over two decades.
Nature has an unparalleled ability to transform – to refresh the mind, destress the body, and rejuvenate the spirit. It helps reframe our perspective of our place in the world. Today, my best work is as a professional coach, as I understand the ultimate adventure is to go within and explore our own human potential. When I met the Noble Adventures team, I knew I had found my tribe. Noble Adventures combines the best of both of my worlds.
I'm thrilled to work in an organization rooted in service, professional growth, and personal transformation. I plan and facilitate extraordinary experiences for our guests that embrace and nurture collaborative efforts to protect and preserve nature while bringing out the best each of us has to offer the world.
Sally Tirtadihardja
In-Country Director, Bali, IndonesiaSince I climbed my first mountain at 12 years old, my passion for the great outdoors has never waned. While my peers were out dating, I spent my weekends rock climbing, whitewater rafting, trekking, and paragliding. Those were incredible years!
I studied Marketing and Communications in Canada and the United States, and since graduation, I have lived and worked in 10 different countries around the world including the freezing cold and gorgeous Mongolia.
My career began as a business consultant and coach. For the past 15 years, I have been working in Communications and Public Relations for international non-governmental organizations (NGOs). I spent 7 years in the jungles of Borneo doing conservation work and 8 years in 4 different countries as a humanitarian aid worker.
My husband is also an adventurer and a professional videographer, and we created a travel company bringing people to the Himalayas for basecamp treks of Mount Everest, Mount Annapurna, and other amazing mountains.
Since the pandemic, we have added mountain climbing in Indonesia, organizing liveaboard trips, sailing trips, and jungle treks, to name a few. With every location, we emphasize the importance of bringing and doing good with the environment, the local communities, and the country overall.
Travel is a life-changing experience and we learn about ourselves as much as we learn about others and places. Meeting Christina and joining the Noble Adventures team is a perfect fit for me. I am thrilled to be a part of a company that has made a difference in so many people’s lives.
I cannot wait to meet all of the leaders traveling with Noble Adventures, and I look forward to hosting you in my beautiful country and sharing amazing experiences that will change us for the rest of our lives.
Angel Davis
Chief Finance OfficerHey! I am fresh to the business and finance scene. I am eager to collaborate with Noble Adventures’ dynamic team to contribute my analytical skills!
During my time as a paraplanner at Fox Hill Financial, it was fate when I crossed paths with Christina Dyer. I was inspired by her enthusiasm and passion for coaching executives and individuals to become the best version of themselves. Happily, I joined the team and love my future possibilities with Noble Adventures.
I majored in Business and minored in Economics. During a time of uncertainty and self-discovery, I realized just how important finance is to a business and the world in general. That’s when my interest in finance piqued and I realized who and what I wanted to become.
Currently, I am working towards becoming a Certified Financial Planner, continuing to grow in my Financial Planning career, and continuing to effectively manage the finances at Noble Adventures alongside this wonderful team.
A San Francisco Baye area native, I now live in Roseville and enjoy cooking, evening bike rides, and doting on my adorable cats. I can’t wait to watch how leaders who journey with us continue to impact the world!
Amadeo "Tobie" Octobie
Creative DirectorChristina and I have been working together since 2018 when she was still running solo. My agency was given the privilege to design Noble Adventures’ brand, build their website, and kickstart their social media accounts & campaigns.
Today, we continue to work with the Noble Adventures' growing team to provide creative designs for all their marketing, branding, website, social media, digital and print pieces.
I received my M.B.A. from Oral Roberts University in 2015 and founded my agency in 2016. I live on the beautiful island of Bali and cannot wait for you to come and experience all this paradise has to offer. We’ll most likely see each other when you sign up for Noble Adventures Bali! I’ll show you places Christina can’t legally list on her site. 😉
When my beautiful wife and two baby daughters grace me with some time alone, I enjoy watching movies and tv shows, relaxing on the beach, listening to audiobooks, writing, drawing, and learning new skills both for work and pleasure.
I also love culinary experiences, especially dining in my family’s award-winning restaurant, HATIKU Jimbaran, perched right on the white sand beach of Jimbaran, Bali. I can’t wait to grill some fresh seafood delicacies when you're here!
Nolan Ekberg
Chief Visual Director & VideographerI believe travel teaches you far more about yourself in a short period of time than anything else you can do, especially with the Noble Adventures team.
I have been creating, writing, shooting, and editing now for 8 years. I love capturing the spirit of people, places, and doing good work. The vibe with Noble Adventures is completely about being a great leader, serving others, and doing good for the world. I love the people I work with, and as a videographer, they make it easy to show the world as the awesome place it is.
Keep exploring, discovering, and creating… helping people be the best they can be. I love making the world a better place!