Costa Rica
An Adventure of a Lifetime!
Check out a 30-second glimpse of our Costa Rican Adventure!Join us for
6 days with deeply passionate, wise leaders & wildly exotic experiences
Become the leader others want to follow, immerse yourself in another culture, and create space for new insights and fantastic adventures.
Connect…with nature, with others, with yourself
Create…new rainforest as we plant hundreds of saplings across the clearcut land
Celebrate…new life as sea turtles arrive on the Tortuguero shores to lay their eggs…

Rainforest and Sea Turtles Itinerary
Travel Day
Arrival & WelcomeUpon arrival at the International Airport, you will be greeted by a Noble Adventurers Team Member. Relax and unwind as you are transported by private car or van service to the arrival night’s accommodations.
- Depending on your arrival time you can swim in the pool, relax, and refresh.
- Welcome Dinner Together! – We will kick off the evening learning about the upcoming adventures, service projects, and each other while we dine, sharing a delicious regional meal.
On this first evening, we find that folks are tired from travel but often wired from sensory overload. This is normal, so we hold space for this first night to be gentle with ourselves and decide what we need to become comfortable and rested for the week ahead.

Day 1
Travel to our Ecolodge Retreat CenterMid-Morning: After a beautiful Sunday brunch, it’s off to our home for a few days to settle in and acquaint ourselves with the local culture, its people, sights, and sounds.
You’ll find that the natural beauty and tranquility of the environment will draw you further away from your everyday life and deeper into peace.
Adventure to Poas Volcano National Park: An active volcano at 8848 ft elevation. We will explore the park and enjoy this fantastic place.
Lunch: Arrive at Sarapiqui EcoLodge
Afternoon Integration and Rest: We’ve found that between jet lag, early mornings, and volcano hikes, time for rest, reflection, and integration is an essential part of the experience.
Dinner & Evening Activities: Review of the day: The local community members may join us to share a meal and hear their stories about life in this amazing place.

Day 2
Self-Awareness, LifeMaps & ValuesMorning sunrise hike, stretch, yoga/ meditation (Optional)
We will begin each day with centering exercises such as meditation or light yoga stretches for quieting your thoughts and enhancing your mindfulness of this time and place.
Breakfast | Morning Centering: Breakfast will be served community style.
Learning Session 1: Self-Awareness and LifeMaps - Getting to Know Each Other & Ourselves.
Lunch | Rest
Mid-Afternoon: On your Own
Late Afternoon: Return to our hotel, shower and relax
Dinner: Local “Soda” Spot!
Evening Learning Session 2: Values Assessment Introduction
Late Evening: Optional evening fireside chat, or use this time for quiet time, journaling, personal reflection & integration time.

Day 3
Teaming, Collaboration & GrowthEarly Morning sunrise hike, stretch, and/or meditation (Optional)
Breakfast | Morning Centering
Learning Session 3: Value, Triggers & Personal Hurdles.
Learning Session 4: Teaming & Collaboration.
Lunch | Rest
Depart for Service Project: Leaders and community partners will brief the team on the project, its timeline, community impact, and any challenges involved.
Mid-Afternoon: Special Cultural “Teaming” Challenge Community Race Course with local Costa Rican community members with dinner.
Dinner with Community partners
Late Evening: On your own for rest and reflection.

Day 4
Deepening Global Awareness, Curiosity & EmpathyEarly Breakfast & Departure for Service Project: Reforestation Project with the University of Costa Rica and local partners; Learn about the impact of reviving clear cut land with new saplings to provide clean air, habitats for animals, & prevention of soil erosion, to name a few results. We will each get our own tree. One of 110,000 trees that will be planted combined with endemic species and endangered species of trees to create a natural ecosystem that will be conserved for life as part of a land trust for conservation, forever!
Mid-Afternoon: Rest Break.
Late Afternoon: Travel to La Pavona to take private boat to Tortuguero.
Pre-Dinner: Check in to Tortuguero Ecolodge. Take time to shower, unpack, unwind.
Dinner: Happy Hour & Candlelight Celebration Dinner with integration discussion.
Late Evening: On your own to rest and rejuvenate after your planet changing works.

Day 5
The CALM Method, Resolving Conflicts & MindsetsEarly Morning: Sleep In and Rest.
Breakfast | Morning Centering
Learning Session 5: The CALM Method & Crucial Conversations
After living so deeply in tune to nature, we will explore its lessons and find our moments of stillness and grace. Learn to recognize crucial conversations and handle conflict with skill, nuance, and comfort. There will also be action-based situations & Role Plays
Lunch | Rest
Mid-Afternoon: Sea Turtle Conservancy Discussion with Guides.
Dinner & Special Event Evening Activities with Sea Turtle Conservancy

Day 6
Local Adventures!Early Morning Activity: Optional Sunrise beach cleanup service project. Leaving is often bittersweet and can produce mixed emotions. Group walk/talk around plans for returning home, integrating the “wildness” into our daily lives.
Breakfast | Morning Centering
Final Learning Session: Debrief, Insights & Commitments
Depart for a Surprise group excursion
Evening Farewell Dinner: The group will decide the activity for our last evening together.
Late Evening: Pack & Rest or Free time to explore the area one last time
The following day, we will have early breakfast & the Noble Adventurers Team Members will personally transport you to your departing airport.
Here’s the thing about a Noble Adventure—you will be in-country with an entire team completely dedicated to creating a unique, fantastic and memorable experience for you. It is also a developing nation, so things are always paradoxical - simpler and often more difficult. While we publish this schedule to give you a sense of how the days flow, please know my team and I will be changing things up along the way—all of it geared toward giving you the best experience ever.
~ Christina Dyer ~