Join us for 7 soulful days as we build
pipelines that bring villagers the life-giving gift of water...
And then discover Roatan as you dance and play with marine life, macaws and monkeys on the exotic shores of the Caribbean

Agua para El Alma Itinerary

Day 1
Welcome – Set Intentions for your Experience
Noon, Mid-Day: Arrive at Tegucigalpa International Airport. Be greeted by Christina and Moika, the Director of Collaboratives, as well as some of the Honduran team to transport you to our accommodations and begin our adventure!
3:00 PM: Check-in our Hotel and Overview of the Week - You’ll be treated to delicious fresh squeezed tropical juices, Honduran cuisine and afternoon delights. We will get settled in rooms, and them meet to review the itinerary for the week and answer any questions.
4:30 PM: Free Time - We will have time to unpack, swim in the pool, relax and refresh, and explore the grounds around you. You’ll find that the natural beauty of Valle de Angeles will draw you further away you’re your everyday life stress and deeper into peace.
6:30 PM: Dinner - We will get to meet the rest of the team, who will fill us in on the next day’s project, and about its development and impact on the community. We will then go directly to dinner in the quaint courtyard community of Valle de Angeles surrounded by the colonial architecture and wonderful shops. You’ll be served a beautiful meal in a cozy outdoor setting.
7:30 PM: Fire Circle and Intention Setting - Christina will work with the group to address any concerns and discuss personal challenges that may have arisen. We’ll process what you saw and experienced during the afternoon traveling to our destination and begin diving into and setting your personal intentions for the week.
On this first evening, we find that participants are tired from travel, but often wired from sensory overload. All of this is normal, so we hold space for this first night for people to be gentle with themselves and decide what they need to become comfortable and rested for the week ahead.

Day 2
Entering Community as Servant
6:30 AM: Body awakening with Yoga like stretches on the beautiful hotel grounds - You’ll begin this day with strategies for quieting your thoughts, enhancing your sensory perceptions, and opening your heart and minds to the people you will meet and serve on this day.
7:00 AM: Breakfast and Morning Learning Session – Community Culture Introduction Breakfast will be served community style. Our partners with SELF will give an informative and entertaining culture lesson in true Honduran style. Christina will briefly teach the foundational ideas of being a Servant Leader as we go out into our communities. As these principles are embraced by the group, leadership will work with the group to create teams for the day’s work.
Individual and team conflicts, unclear alignment, culture shock, unrealistic expectations and travel discomforts…these things can and do happen while on service collaboratives, but instead of letting these challenges short circuit the team, Christina will help focus the team on the gifts within these potential problems and turn them into opportunities to learn and grow.
9:00 AM: The local SELF community team will greet us and take us to our service project. Leaders will brief the team on the project, the impact of its completion, and the challenges that may be involved. The team will discuss and decide best roles and responsibilities, with participants challenging themselves to step outside their normal everyday roles. Leaders will become followers and followers will become leaders.
1-2:00 PM: Lunch Break | 2-4:30 PM: Project continues
5:00 PM: Return to Hotel; Afternoon Integration and Rest - We’ve found that between the jet lag, early mornings, and project work, time for rest, reflection and integration is an essential part of the experience. You can shower, nap, journal, take a yoga class, get a massage or relax outside and take in the view.
7:00 PM: Dinner/Fire Circle – Review of the mornings teachings and 10 Principles of Servant Leadership will be taught by Christina. Storytelling offers powerful metaphors for life which can be understood in every language. We will utilize the commonality in life story to deepen cross-cultural understanding.
We will be joined by the local community members to have a fireside chat around commonalities and differences between cultures. Conversations will be created with provocative Q & A, but the conversation’s development will be shaped organically as people are open to fresh ways of thinking, dispelling misunderstood ideas and sharing hopes and dreams for the future.

Day 3
Conscious Leading through Service
7:00 AM: Optional Morning Sunrise Stretching and Meditation | 7:30 AM: Breakfast & Pillars of Conscious Leadership: Exploration of values and leadership style
8:40 AM: Depart for Villa Nueva and Day 2 of Project - Continue project after morning debrief; Coaching Session Availability – Christina will join the group and continue working on the project but will be available to coach each participant individually as need arises. You will begin to process viscerally understand how serving is the ideal metaphor for finding your best self and creating new ideas for life. Triggers that hinder your best life will be explored, and a plan developed to reshape your life moving forward.
12 Noon Lunch: Mid-day Integration/Rest Break
1-3:00 PM: Wrap up Project work; Project Debrief – After reviewing lessons from people and project, we will tour the local country attractions and deepen your love of places, people and the work you have done.
3:00 PM: Return to Valle de Angeles - Optional Shopping and Village Exploration on your own
6:00 PM: Dinner | 7:00 PM: Evening Coaching Session - Realizing your Life’s Contracts – Christina will teach the team about Archetypal work from Sacred Contracts. Most common archetypes explained. Participants may own this or not, but insights will be had along the way regardless. As you are becoming more conscious of your presence in the world, new understandings may emerge and need space to be clarified. Explore your Sacred Contracts and ask questions about your contracts and your experiences.

Day 4
Owning your History
6:30 AM: Morning Hike – La Tigra Nacional Parc - This morning begins with a very basic, but exquisite experience: hiking in the oldest National Park in Honduras, a wet cloud forest and wildlife sanctuary, and all this to watch nature wake up. From an unusual perspective, you will see nature’s cycle begin. This truly is the greatest show on Earth—and you are an integral part of it. You will begin to appreciate it with new eyes, something that is available to you every day of your life.
9:00 AM: Breakfast Break and Morning Overview of Excursion details - Christina will help you transform the ideas and inspiration that are rising to the surface of your consciousness into form. With guidance, you will deepen your understanding of archetypes and learn the skills necessary to connect into your deeper wisdom so that you may guide your life more confidently and joyfully beyond your Noble Adventure. If necessary, Christina can help you own the shadows sides of yourself and own your history but with a fresh perspective on how it can heal your life moving forward. Now that you have become part of the family at SELF, the team will give a recap of the good work that they are doing to transform the country of Honduras, one village at a time. They will explain their mission of empowerment and leadership and cast their vision for the future of their organization and their beloved Honduras.
Details about the next 3 days in Roatan will be discussed as we begin the adventure as a cohesive team.
12:00 PM: Lunch | 1:45 PM: Depart for Villa Nueva | 2:45 PM: Youth Council Leadership Workshop given with Noble Adventures participants - All participants will meet Honduran youth leaders and hear their stories. Principles for success will be taught by NA team.
6:00 PM: Return to Valle de Angeles/Dinner - Reflection of day’s activities will be discussed. We will have a thorough Roatan itinerary discussion and answer all questions regarding the last few days and the adventures available.
8:00 PM: Free time. Suggest sleep for early AM departure.

Day 5
Travel Day & Free Time to Relax
04:40 AM: Fruit breakfast Options and depart to Tegucigalpa International Airport for Roatan Flight
06:00 AM: Check in begins for our 8 AM flight.
09:00 AM: Arrival in Roatan where we will be transported to our hotel to begin the second half of our adventure!
10:00 AM: Brunch and room distribution at this time.
11:00 AM: Beach time/Tours or Excursions open to all.
It is little known by the majority of tourists, but Roatan boasts the world’s second largest barrier reef with exquisite diving and snorkeling. White sandy beaches, warm, luxurious teal blue water at the base of incredible landscapes make this island a jewel in the carribean. Roatan is home to fun little critters like monkeys and sloths, as well as exotic macaws among hundreds of other rare bird species. From the underwater Mayan ruins to the quaint cobblestone villages, this extraordinary place entices you to live in the moment and breathe in all the Universe has to offer you.
We can horseback ride on the beach at sunset, and then zipline over the jungle covered mountains... excursions abound.
06:00 PM: Dinner
07:00 PM: Special Surprise Arranged

Day 6
Embracing Your Power
7:00 AM: Optional Sunrise walk on the beach. Christina will be available to walk/talk around any issues that may have arisen during your time, or any feelings about returning home. Often we find that leaving is bittersweet and can produce alternating feelings of excitement and angst.
08:00 AM: Breakfast
09:00 AM: Depart for Group Excursion | 09:30 AM: Tour Began at Gumbalimba park (Monkies, Iguanas, and Macaws)
12:30 PM: Lunch | 1:30 PM: Afternoon relax or excursion
4:00 PM: Return from Excursions; Relax for beach or pool time
6:00 PM: Dinner
7:30 PM: Embracing your Power; Standing in Presence - Discussion about the adventures and their impact on your understanding of your own power. We will start discussing our return home, and organically discuss best new learnings that have been received, and any aha moments. Because the answers lie in the questions, we will spend time journaling our new answers to thought-provoking questions. We will provide positive feedback to each other and honor any new ideas for your own personal practice upon returning home.
8:30 PM: Free time to explore the island at night or dance at beachside restaurants.

Day 7
Create a new “Setpoint”
Our goal of Noble Adventures is become comfortable in uncertainty, innovative in the face of hardships and challenges, and free to be more flexible and adaptive in life. Ultimately, we learn to take what is experienced on the adventure or realized through reflection, and apply these lessons in our own communities, organizations and living rooms. As these challenges dissolve, you’ll sense the core of peace that can continue to direct your life long after your adventure is complete. This is your new “setpoint”.
8:00 AM: Breakfast | 9:00 AM: Depart to the unique and lively community within the Garifuna culture | 9:30 AM: Special, fun and relaxed morning planned
12 noon: Lunch - We will explore the history of this place and consider the history of YOU. The majority of the day will be spent exploring more of this spectacular island and all it has to offer. The Garifuna people live a simple but culturally rich life, which you will learn about during our visit. They rely heavily on tourism and still maintain many customs of this unique cultural blend.
3:00 PM: Free Time
6:30 PM: Final Excursions, Dinner and Closing Session - Ziplining or Sunset horseback riding on the beach – or both! You choose! The evening will be decided by the group as it will be our last evening together. Whatever your personal insights from the Noble experience, Christina and the team will help you design a continuing practice to sustain your connection to your true nature. This practice will be both intrinsically rewarding and profoundly life-enhancing. Time will be given to reflection on your understanding of all the teachings and experiences of Honduras and your first, but not last, Noble Adventure!
8:00 AM (the next day): Transport to Roatan International Airport for departure to USA - You will leave with tons of photos, huge hugs from your new lifelong friends and a lifetime of memories...
Here’s the thing about a Noble Adventure—you will be in-country with an entire team completely dedicated to creating a unique, fantastic and memorable experience for you. It is also a developing nation, so things are always paradoxical - simpler and often more difficult. While we publish this schedule to give you a sense of how the days flow, please know my team and I will be changing things up along the way—all of it geared toward giving you the best experience ever.
~ Christina Dyer ~